mal news

New Mural In tribute to David Wojnarowicz
Studio MAL Studio MAL

New Mural In tribute to David Wojnarowicz

Our newest art piece is a hand stippled wall mural in tribute to the late Queer activist and artist, David Michael Wojnarowicz ( VOY-ne-ROH-vitch] (September 14, 1954 – July 22, 1992). Though most well-known for his work criticizing the Reagan administration’s inaction during the HIV/AIDS pandemic (“If I die of AIDS—forget burial—just drop my body on the steps of the F.D.A.”), David raised awareness of many social justice issues disproportionately affecting marginalized communities through out his life.

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Sponsor a Haircut for local Queers AT MAL

Sponsor a Haircut for local Queers AT MAL

Queers are known for their resiliency – for that continual struggle to survive in a society that dehumanizes & devalues them based on who they love or how they identify – but to be resilient, to be able to endure is work. And Queers are tired. Consider sponsoring an affirming haircut for a struggling Queer. Pooling resources for local Queers-in-need will help make Boulder more equitable and allows us to lift the burden, if only temporarily, for this at-risk community.

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What is SMP: The Pros & Cons of Hair Loss Tattoos
Paramedical Tattoos MAL Paramedical Tattoos MAL

What is SMP: The Pros & Cons of Hair Loss Tattoos

The illusion is created using a pointillism tattoo method in which dots of pigment are applied to the dermal layer of the skin, which mimic the look of individual hair follicles growing in the scalp. However, the illusion is only successful if the pigment color & formulation are carefully selected throughout the Scalp Micropigmentation process so that the tattoo blends seamlessly with the individual’s natural undertones, or the color temperature & tint of the scalp where the hair naturally grows. In those areas, you’re seeing the color of the hair follicle through a translucent lens, i.e. a thin layer of skin, and a SMP tattoo artist is attempting to replicate that for a natural-looking result.

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Photo Tour of MAL, Boulder’s Queer Hair Studio
Studio MAL Studio MAL

Photo Tour of MAL, Boulder’s Queer Hair Studio

We designed the MAL studio space to feel like a Queer hair haven in the heart of Boulder, Colorado. Our goal was to make the 275 sqft studio space feel light, bright and relaxing with an art gallery-like feel that has its lens solely focused on the Queer community.

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